Friday, 16 April 2010

Volcanic Sunset? - Timelapse

So, the big eruption under the glacier in the Eyjafjallajoekull region of Iceland (yes, I did copy-and-paste that jumble of letters!) is still pumping plumes of ash miles high, which due to the prevailing winds is drifted over old 'Blighty and grounding all the planes.  Those boffin sorts predicted "an apocalyptic sunset", so I'm guessing that everyone with a camera went out trying to capture something representative...

I was a bit gutted, as it's just totally impractical for me to get out on a Thursday evening during sunset time due to various commitments, so I thought I'd take a different approach and set the tripod and camera up in the upstairs bathroom (suspiciously poking out of the Velux window!) and capture a timelapse.

Setup was the 5D, ISO 100, f14, manual focus with a HiTech 0.9ND grad on to get some detail in the shadows.  I left it on aperture priority and evaluative metering mode, and by the end the exposures were running around 30s.

And here it is.  And no, it wasn't apocalyptic.  It wasn't even very good.  But the clouds and the colour in the sky at least make it slightly interesting...

Apparently, the volcano is still belching out it's ash and could cause air-traffic disruption for days to weeks.  Hopefully we might be compensated with one or two really great sunsets, and maybe at a time when I can get out to capture them :-)

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