Tuesday, 20 April 2010

My First Goose Egg!

I was given half a dozen chicken eggs and a goose egg today.  The goose egg is a pretty impressive thing - it must be 3 times the size of a normal chicken egg!  I thought it would make a good subject for a bit of food photography:
(5D2, Sigma 50mm f1.4 at f2, 1/250s, ISO 100)
As you can see from the pictures, the goose egg is a massive great thing.

(5D2, Sigma 50mm f1.4 at f2, 1/80s, ISO 100)

Frying seemed like the obvious thing to see how big it really was, so...

Comparison to a normal egg and the frying pan (5D2, Sigma 50mm f1.4 at f1.4, 1/125s, ISO 400)

The shell is very tough - the sort of hits you give a normal egg with a knife to crack it just bounce of this beast.  Eventually, after quite some battering and dropping bits of shell into the pan I managed to crack it and pull it apart to drop the egg in the pan.  As you can see, it takes up most of this moderate sized omelette pan:

(5D2, Sigma 50mm f1.4 at f1.4, 1/60s, ISO 400)

I'm not sure if the picture below demonstrates, but the shell is pretty thick.  Note that the piece of bread is from a "small" loaf (i.e. the slices are smaller than normal) - this is a big egg but not that big!

(5D2, Sigma 50mm f1.4 at f2, 1/30s, ISO 400)

Finally after a good 6 or 7 minutes frying, I put the egg on the bread, sprinkled with a little cracked black pepper and dill, and off we go:

(5D2, Sigma 50mm f1.4 at f2, 1/15s, ISO 400)

(5D2, Sigma 50mm f1.4 at f1.4, 1/25s, ISO 400)

Technically, these shots were all taken with the 5D mark 2 and Sigma 50mm f1.4, most of them in natural light.  The lighting for the latter few shots on the plate was quite low, and the lens performed really well to allow me to get these shots at ISO 400.  I am suitably impressed with both the egg and the lens performance.

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