Monday, 6 September 2010

The Blog is moving to Reikan Photography...

Click here to go to the new home   

So far, my blog has been hosted with Blogger (this site), but I've decided to move to a Wordpress blog.  There are a few reasons for this, the main one being that by hosting the blog myself it allows me complete control over the look and feel (but also the responsibility for backups etc!).

Don't get me wrong, I've been very happy with Blogger - in fact, I've got quite cross with Wordpress recently as the formatting was causing me all sorts of trouble!  But it does seem that Wordpress has a lot more options and capability, and I'd like to get some experience in both using a different engine and hosting it myself.

So, you can continue to follow my exploits at  That is, as long as I haven't broken anything :)  All the posts I've done to date will be there (the import utility is great).

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Ireland 2010 Days 4 & 5 - Clare and the Cliff of Moher

The next part of photos and journal from our family trip to Ireland, this bit is mainly about our visit to County Clare and the Cliffs of Moher.  It started as part of a bigger post, but I kept adding more information about the places we visited, so I've left it as just these 2 days...

Sunset at Beal, County Kerry, Ireland