Tuesday, 4 May 2010

52 Weeks - Week 4: "Morning"

Once again, I was desperately busy this week and capturing shots for my topic wasn't really much of an option.  I've picked a few out from the week that work for Morning:

(Canon 7D, Canon 70-200 f4L IS at 111mm, f4, ISO 160)

The shot above was in a field off Julian's Road in Wimborne which I often go to - it's fairly accessible and it was full of sheep and new born lambs on this morning.  I wanted to get the sun in, and played with it just out of frame giving a morning flare to the shot.

This picture is a bit of a cheat - it's from the set that I did on the Goose egg that I was given.  It's even more of a cheat as I took it in the evening!  But I thought it's about representation of "morning" rather than necessarily morning itself, and I think this at least has that:
(Canon 5Dmk2, Sigma 50mm f1.4 at f2, ISO 400)

Finally, this was another shot taken in the Julian's Road field - I've shot this tree before, but I decided to play with the processing here.  The exposure has been raised to just under blown highlights, and I took the black level up to raise the contrast of the overall image.  Doing this generally makes it far too saturated, so the saturation is reduced a bit to compensate:

(Canon 7D, Canon 70-200 f4L IS at 125mm, f4, ISO 125)

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