So, I'll keep this brief - a basic overview of how I was shooting, then a dump of some pics to show what I'm talking about.
The camera was in my (now standard) sunny-day bird-shooting mode:
- Single point AF with expansion, generally set in the centre although I did move it around a bit
- Started at ISO 400, but dropped to ISO200 once checking that most shots were 1/1000s - 1/1600s
- AI Servo mode - continuous AF
- High speed shooting (8fps)
- All custom setting were as default
- Lens was a Sigma 120-400OS with OS switched OFF
So, I've narrowed it down to 15 or so pics which I've included below. I haven't shown shooting information as I've explained that above. Click on any image to see it larger (but not 100%) as usual:
I like the wings on this - not sure if the ruffling is the wind or control surfaces to aid flying?
I liked the detail on this one
The focus is just great on the 7D
Lots of greys and action - I cropped to capture texture/shades more than anything specific
Check out the serrated beaks on these blighters - they draw blood if they nip apparently!
I can think of lots of rude captions for what that gull is shouting :-)
Another backside... I guess they just don't like the camera
This swan appeared to be nesting - kept picking up twigs
Speckly highlights from the sun on the water
More highlights...
Just BIF
Another BIF
This chap just sat there with his wings open - Drying? Showing off? Not sure...
And just before I got back to the car, I noticed some people on the walkway and thought the silhouette might be nice.
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