Sunday, 7 March 2010

More Birds with the 7D - Spring is here!

This isn't going to be a long post - I just wanted to shout about the 7D again!  I'm really, really happy with this camera - the AF is the best I've used by a long shot (I'm comparing it to a 40D as the next best), and the IQ is great considering the density of the sensor - leading to very usable shots, e.g:

So, I'll keep this brief - a basic overview of how I was shooting, then a dump of some pics to show what I'm talking about.

The camera was in my (now standard) sunny-day bird-shooting mode:
  • Single point AF with expansion, generally set in the centre although I did move it around a bit
  • Started at ISO 400, but dropped to ISO200 once checking that most shots were 1/1000s - 1/1600s
  • AI Servo mode - continuous AF
  • High speed shooting (8fps)
  • All custom setting were as default
  • Lens was a Sigma 120-400OS with OS switched OFF
I filled up a 4GB card (about 140 shots) in about 4 minutes (oops!), and took home around 250 shots altogether.  On reviewing, I dumped about 50 of them through technical imperfections and most of those were my fault (e.g. me completely missing the birds!), and then I get the hard task of picking out ones of interest in the remaining shots.  With the 40D, I'd take maybe 200 shots of birds and generally end up dumping 150 of those, making the job easier as to pick which ones to keep.

So, I've narrowed it down to 15 or so pics which I've included below.  I haven't shown shooting information as I've explained that above.  Click on any image to see it larger (but not 100%) as usual:

I like the wings on this - not sure if the ruffling is the wind or control surfaces to aid flying?

I liked the detail on this one



The focus is just great on the 7D

Lots of greys and action - I cropped to capture texture/shades more than anything specific

Check out the serrated beaks on these blighters - they draw blood if they nip apparently!

I can think of lots of rude captions for what that gull is shouting :-)

Another backside... I guess they just don't like the camera

This swan appeared to be nesting - kept picking up twigs

Speckly highlights from the sun on the water

More highlights...

Just BIF

Another BIF

This chap just sat there with his wings open - Drying? Showing off? Not sure...

And just before I got back to the car, I noticed some people on the walkway and thought the silhouette might be nice.

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