Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Starlings over Poole

I was out shopping over the weekend, and there was a "swarm" of Starlings ducking and diving around over Poole.  I had my 5D2 with me, so I took some shots and video...

Here are a few shots of the display:

Poole Starling Swarm I

Poole Starling Swarm III

Here's the video - it was very spur-of-the-moment, just point and shoot video, but I did switch the camera to full HD.  The Vimeo upload is 720p, with processing done in Premiere Elements 7.  The music is by Ludovico Einaudi (the track is "Le Onde"):

Starlings over Poole from Rich Meston on Vimeo.

It was an amazing sight!

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